

Lead zinc ore taste

Lead zinc ore taste

The grade of lead ore extracted from lead-zinc mines is generally less than 3%, and the zinc content is less than 10%. The average grade of lead and zinc in the raw ore of small and medium-sized lead-zinc mines is about 2.7% and 6%, while large rich mines can reach 3% and 10%. The composition of the concentrate is generally lead 40-75%, zinc 1-10%, sulfur 16-20%, and often contains coexisting metals such as silver, copper, and bismuth; The formation of zinc concentrate is generally about 50% zinc, about 30% sulfur, 5-14% iron, and also contains small amounts of lead, cadmium, copper, and precious metals. Among domestic lead-zinc mining and selection enterprises, 53% have a comprehensive grade of less than or equal to 5%, 39% have a grade of 5% -10%, and 8% have a grade greater than 10%. Generally speaking, the cost of concentrate for large zinc mines with a grade greater than 10% is about 2000-2500 yuan/ton, and the cost of zinc concentrate also increases as the grade decreases.


Pricing method for zinc concentrate

There is currently no unified pricing method for zinc concentrates in China. Most smelters and mines use SMM (Shanghai Nonferrous Metals Network) zinc prices minus processing fees to determine the transaction price of zinc concentrates; Alternatively, the transaction price of zinc concentrate can be determined by multiplying the SMM zinc price by a fixed ratio (e.g. 70%).

Zinc concentrate is accounted for in the form of processing fees (TC/RC), therefore the price of zinc metal and processing fees (TC/RC) are the main factors affecting the income of mines and smelters. TC/RC (Treatment and refining charges for processing concentrates) refers to the processing and refining costs of converting zinc concentrate into refined zinc. TC is the processing fee or refining fee, while RC is the refining fee. Processing fee (TC/RC) is the cost paid by miners and traders to smelters to process zinc concentrate into refined zinc. The processing fee TC/RC is determined by negotiations between mines and smelters at the beginning of each year, while European and North American countries generally gather in February at the AZA annual meeting of the American Zinc Association to determine the price of TC/RC. The processing fee consists of a fixed zinc metal base price and a value that fluctuates up and down with metal price fluctuations. The adjustment of the floating value is to ensure that the changes in processing fees are synchronized with the price of zinc. The domestic market mainly uses the method of subtracting a fixed value from the price of zinc to determine the price of concentrate or negotiate to determine the price of zinc ore.

Post time: Jan-22-2024